Maple-Nut Granola with Dried Strawberries and Blueberries

Please excuse this post interruption for an important message:

Cherries are here! Cherries are here!

I’m so excited! First I found fresh corn at the store this week and now, I found cherries at the farmers’ market. Summer is coming. Yay! I love summer, can you tell?


Now, back to the regularly scheduled post.


Dried strawberries! Have you tried them? They’re wonderful. I’ve recently discovered them. They are now my new favorite dried fruit. I used them, along with dried blueberries, in this week’s granola recipe which comes from Eating Well magazine. This particular recipe is from their November/December 2008 issue (yes, I’m still going through my piles of magazine recipes) and is meant to be a homemade gift. But I’m keeping it all to myself, it’s so good.

You can find the recipe HERE. The only changes I made was to use the dried strawberries and blueberries instead of  dried cranberries and raisins.