
2012 Version: After taking a blogging sabbatical (a year!), I’m back to blogging. I still love to bake and wonders of wonders I fell in love with someone that likes to eat baked goods. It’s a win-win situation. And as these things happen, we now have a puppy.

~Wendy, Paul, and Nani #17

Nani #17

2008 Version:

I’m a 30-something California native, originally from San Jose and now live in the Greater Los Angeles Area. I love to travel and meet people and most recently have fallen in love with cooking and baking. I set up this blog to document my Cooking Odyssey. I only cook/bake vegetarian and sometimes vegan.


cookingodyssey AT gmail DOT com

15 thoughts on “About

  1. I wandered around your site today and enjoyed your recipes and photos so much! I will definitely be trying A LOT of these out. Looking forward to your future posts…

  2. Great blog- I enjoy reading your posts! I am still new to this blogging thing- learning the ins,outs and tricks. Your blog sets a high standard and I hope in time I will reach that level!
    Keep up the good work!

  3. hola prima!!!!! que gusto poder entrar a tu blog esta muy bonito y interesante. Esta semana estuve con tus papás y me platicaron que vienes a México espero te la pases muy bien. te mando un fuerte abrazo, y tienes unos papás maravillosos.
    soy AgustĂ­n Betancourt Blanquet el hijo de tu tĂ­o AgustĂ­n y Alejandra.

  4. Everything you post makes me want to drop everything I’m doing and whip it up right away. More accurately, I want to eat it right away. Do you make house calls? My site is all about healthy vegan recipes, but sometimes a person just needs to eat some chocolate brownies, you know?

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