Happy National Bundt Day!


Today, November 15, is National Bundt Day. The only reason I know it’s National Bundt Day is because one of my blogging friends, Mary from The Food Librarian. She chose to celebrate by baking and blogging a bundt a day for the 30 days leading up to today. She really, really, really likes bundts and named her blogathon–I Like Big Bundts.

Inspired by Mary, I baked a bundt to celebrate National Bundt Day: Deep Chocolate Sour Cream Pound Cake. The recipe came from Tish Boyle’s The Cake Book. You can find the recipe HERE. As its name implies, it is full of chocolate flavor.


I’m a little late writing this post because yesterday I completed my longest hike ever. I hiked to the top of San Gorgonio, which at 11,501.5 feet is the highest peak in Sounthern California. Not satisfied with one peak, my hiking group and I  bagged two additional peaks: Big Horn (3rd highest, 10,997 feet) and Dragons Head Peak (4th highest, 10,866 feet). It was a tough and challenging hike, 19+ miles total. We started at 6:30 am and made it back to our cars in the dark at 5:30 pm.

Here’s a short video I shot from the top of Big Horn:

32 thoughts on “Happy National Bundt Day!

  1. Absolutely amazing footage of your hike! How beautiful to be so high. I can’t believe it.
    Your bundt is beautiful too. Looks decadently chocolate-y and delicious. Happy National Bundt Day!

  2. What a fabulous view! Congrats on that hike, that’s great 🙂

    Your bundt looks amazing! I celebrated today by buying a new bundt pan LOL Seriously! Mine was so old and the last two cakes I have made in it stuck, so it was time for a new one. What better day that National Bundt Day?? 😉

  3. And here I was all proud of myself for biking over 27 miles this week – and here you are hiking to the top of the world! Congratulations – that was some feat!

    I hope you rewarded yourself with a big piece of cake.

  4. Fabulous hike and what better way to celebrate than with decadent dark chocolate in bundt cake form? Mary really was inspiring, wasn’t she? Love your cake and the beautiful view.

  5. Happy National Bundt Day to you! I simply couldn’t justify a 3rd post today so I didn’t participate, but I’m making the TWD bundt this week so maybe I’ll celebrate a belated bundt day 🙂

    Oh, and the 19 mile hike? You definitely earned quite a few slices of this beautiful cake! Great views up there.

  6. That is a beautiful bundt! I’m going to have to try it soon. I missed posting on National Bundt Day as my bundt pan was occupied with making the TWD pick for next week.

    Congrats on your mega hike! You deserve a slice of cake!

  7. The cake looks terrific. I love Bundt’s. Congrats on your hike….that is very inspiring! I just posted about my hike to Sharp Top here in Virginia and that was only 4,000 ft elevation! Mine doesn’t even compare to yours. Sounds like you had a great time….

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