{twd} and like that, I’m back

I think. I don’t know. 2010 was an, um, educational
year for me. I’m still learning. I still have a lot to learn. I’m
better than I was a year ago. I have a ways to go. All I know is
that 2011 is going to be better, blah, blah, blah, and all
those platitudes and other things I say to myself don’t
really mean anything unless I get up and do something about it.

I decided to jump back into the blogging world with
Midnight Crackles, the first Tuesdays
with Dorie
recipe for 2011. It marks the
3rd anniversary of the baking group which influenced me to start
blogging. The Midnight part of the name
refers not only to the dark color, but also the time when you are
tempted to sneak down to the kitchen and eat more (so says
Dorie Greenspan). For me it also
refers to the time I baked them. I woke up at 2 am one night
because I couldn’t sleep and decided to bake them (the dough was
already chilling) to bring them into work {much} later that
morning. Yay, insomnia! Anyway, people liked them.

Thanks to Laurie of Slush
and Jules of Someone’s In the Kitchen for co-hosting this week. For the
recipe, visit here or buy the book.

(IPhone picture because I broke my camera when I fell during a hike on Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. Yeah, I shouldn’t complain.)