I finally did it

I broke down and bought a standing mixer. Once upon a time I had a bias against this kitchen appliance. People would add it to their wedding registries and receive it as a gift. It would sit on their kitchen counters unused, taking up space, and collecting dust. I thought, as long as I had a hand mixer and a food processor I was set. Oh, and I absolutely hate things sitting on my counters. Which is why it took me a while to break down and buy it, even after I realized one would make my baking easier. So now, I have a mixer on the counter. And it looks very pretty. πŸ˜›

In related news, our toaster broke yesterday so I don’t have to worry about that appliance sitting on the counter anymore. (I would always put it away in the cabinets and my husband would always leave it on the counter. It was a little dance we did every day or so.)

4 thoughts on “I finally did it

  1. Wendy,

    Congratulations on the mixer. Your recipes are looking fantastic. The homemade peppermint paddies and that layered ice cream torte and don’t even get me started on the breakfast tacos and potpies. Oh my goodness. I think I want to live at your house.

  2. I got by with a hand mixer for almost 25 years, but when it broke I was at the store buying my KA stand mixer within 15 minutes! Only partly because I was halfway through making a cake. You’ll love yours.

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